Saturday, November 28, 2009

A blog give-away!

No, sadly I'm not giving anything away. That would be cool.

But maybe this is better because Jessica over at one of my favorite blogs is!

I've only recently discovered the world of blogging but already I have favorites and Chronically Vintage is one of them. And right now she's running a give-away for a set of the cutest vintage Jessie Willcox Smith cards. They are too cute for words. Honestly!

So go take a look at her blog at
For the give-away and then treat yourself - hang around and read some more. Her site is wonderful.


1 comment:

  1. You're very sweet, Cathi! Oodles of thanks for blogging about my giveaway - the lucky winner of which will be drawn in just a couple of days - and also for your immensely kind words about Chronically Vintage.

    It's a joy to met you and I look forward to following your budding blog, my dear!

    Have a beautiful evening,
    ♥ Jessica
