Saturday, November 27, 2010

Random Thoughts

Sometimes when I'm doing something totally different a random thought on another subject will pop into my head.

That's what happened when we were walking the dog this morning. All of a sudden "you should do some pretty stitching in red" popped into my head.

So when we came home, that's what I did!

Hmm I have to say it looks much brighter and pops better in real life but I guess that's life in the winter huh? Anyway, it was a great random thought and it really adds a punch to the aprons and makes that little bit more Christmassy.

Hopefully I'll have one just about done and have more pictures for tomorrow. I need to rush on these a bit because I'm babysitting L'il Miss C in a week or so and since these are for her and her mom...can't really be working on them while she's here. But having them done to send home with her and her Momma would be perfect so...sewing now!

More later. Ta!

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